Hey look a new post

It’s funny how we let things get away from us. You would think with all the time I spend on my computer I’d remember to give my website love and this blog section. Sadly it slips my mind way to easy, I start to work on things with it and get distracted with other projects. That's why now I have it saved as my homepage when I get on the internet it will be in my face reminding me 😂. Hopefully that will be enough..

I don't really know what I'll post here though. Maybe daily or weekly rambles. Gardening season is upon us so maybe I'll post garden updates 😆 and I guess I could post grow room updates as well. I know I've had a few friends want to see how I care for my plants so maybe I can share that with whomever stumbles upon my blog and is interested..

To those still subscribed to my blog updates and haven't removed me I thank you.. and to everyone reading this I love you and appreciate you reading this so much.